
Can probiotics reduce the risk of diarrhoea? – Ajit Patel UK

When people get infections they are often prescribed antibiotics to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, in around 30 percent of the cases of antibiotic use, the patient can also develop the side effect of diarrhoea. Sometimes the diarrhoea can be so severe that the patient is forced to stop taking the antibiotics which can prolong their infection and only cause serious health issues in the long term.

Now a new study suggests that taking probiotics is a very good way for antibiotics users to avoid developing diarrhoea. The study found that people who took probiotics reduced their risk of developing antibiotic-associated diarrhoea by an impressive 42 percent. That meant that for every 13 people who took the probiotics, one person avoided getting diarrhoea from antibiotics. Probiotics are healthy microorganisms that can be administered to our bodies to improve our health. They are mainly bacteria but also include some fungi. More research now needs to be done to ascertain which probiotics work best, and what antibiotics they work best against.

The study’s results have increased the interest in using probiotics to fight diarrhoea related to antibiotic use. It was revealed that there are several ways that probiotics can potentially fix the bacteria problems in the gut. Good bacteria may compete with bad bacteria for nutrients, or increase the acidity of the gut so that the bad bacteria cannot thrive. If you currently take antibiotics and are experiencing problems with diarrhoea it could be worth talking to your doctor about potentially taking probiotics to deal with the problem. While the research is on-going, researchers are still not sure what the best forms of probiotics to take are, as there are a number of products that could help you out.

For more information please click Ajit Patel UK

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How about some Poison on your Salad? – Ajit Patel UK

With higher levels of cleanliness comes higher levels of risk. Yes our crops and goods are easier to grow and they don’t fail nearly as easily, but when we spray them with pesticides we’re spraying them with something designed to be very good at killing things. It’s not designed for killing us thank god, but there isn’t a poison on the market which is good for us, regardless of who the intended audience might be, e.g. rat poisoning.


The tricky thing comes when you try and remove the poisons and toxins from your diet. Without going 100% organic what can you do? Well, it turns out that some fruit and veg absorb much more of these pesticides than others, meaning that they’re slightly worse for us and more likely to make us unwell. Most at risk are kids who’re smaller than we are. Obvious though that statement is, poisons effect the largest of us the least as there’s simply more body to effects, in kids the dose doesn’t have to be very high at all to have an effect as there’s less body to damage. In this case, fat kids my fare better than thin kids.

Regardless, if you want to try and remove the worst and most potentially toxic foods from your or your children’s diets then avoid the following:


–       Celery, thin skin and high water content make this vegetable hard to wash and more likely to draw pesticides into itself.

–       Peaches

–       Strawberries, again high water content and a pitted skin make them hard to thoroughly wash.

–       Spinach and other leafy salad vegetables have such a large surface area that efficiently washing them can be very difficult, making it more likely that they’ll harbour nasty toxins.

Fruits and Vegetables that have thicker skins, are more resistant to pesticides and are easier to wash are known as “The Clean Fifteen.” Dr. Sears says that while this will not always equate to lower levels of pesticides, it is probably okay to buy these in their non-organic form.

For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellbeing

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Pineapple, Spiny Spikey and Remarkable – Ajit Patel UK

There are many different types of foods which do all sorts of wonderful things for our bodies. There are kinds which will help us sleep others which will help our digestion, some will help keep hearts healthy and sometimes they’ll just energise us throughout the day. Knowing what we’re eating and the natural properties of that food is a useful skill for anyone to have, especially when it comes to planning and implementing a healthy diet!


I bet you didn’t know that pineapple does a whole lot more for you than titillate your tongue with a taste of the tropics. This spiny fruit is full of bromelain which is a naturally forming food enzyme which breaks down proteins and is supposed to help the body when it comes to digestion. It’s been used by natural health experts for years and years and they prescribe the enzyme but not always the pineapple itself. We at Yourwellness suggest forgetting the supplements and just eating the fruit when you can, it tastes great after all.

For those of us advancing in years, it’s thought that our bodies actually get worse at digesting food as we get older. If this is the case then sticking pineapple into your diet could well do you a whole world of good! Why not try it and let us know?


If your digestions fine, then how’s that tendonitis or muscle pain? Still hurting you a bit after all these years isn’t it? That’s the thing with inflammation there are so many pills which can help ease the symptoms but not much which actually deals with the condition. Sadly, pineapples many wonderful qualities don’t run quite as far as miracle cures, but bromelain’s been used to treat inflammation in the past.

For ore information please click Ajit Patel Sanda

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Why Stress Is Bad And Mediation Is Good – Ajit Patel UK

There are broad areas of problems we may have in our lives for which there are no medical solutions. Or at least there isn’t an acceptable one. Drugging your way through life isn’t a way of dealing with your issues; it’s a way of delaying them. This is fine if you’re not prepared to deal with something at that specific time but in general, it’s better to deal with something. There are a broad range of different therapies on which you can embark to help you deal with all manner of emotional problems and a good deal of them have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years to great effect.

Stress is a really common factor in our lives today. It can lead to heart issues and depression if you don’t with it and it gets out of hand but even in its minor start it’s not a pleasant thing. Some people genuinely do thrive on stress. They need it and feed on it and when they stop they literally don’t know what to do with themselves. That doesn’t mean that it’s any better for these people, it just means that they’re not going to complain about or notice the damage as much as other people may do.

Meditation is a great way to deal with stress. To those who aren’t fully clued up, this can seem like an incredibly strange thing to do to deal with a genuinely harmful issue. It involves taking some time to just focus your thoughts. It can be five minutes; half an hour or even an hour and all you need to do is centre yourself. Really pay attention to what you’re hearing, feeling or smelling. Run away with your thoughts and just exist in the moment, letting go of anything extraneous like stress as you do so.

This methodology has shown great success in the treatment of stress for a lot of people. Try it today and let us know what you think!

For more information please click Ajit Patel Goldshield

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Letter Writing Therapy For Emotional Wellbeing – Ajit Patel UK

It is important to express your feelings whether they are good or bad. Today there is a lot of hype about “being positive” and so much pressure to be happy, but sometimes we need to express what is upsetting us as well. In short, it’s okay to sometimes be negative; after all it is natural to go through peaks and troughs of emotion. It’s the suppression of emotions of any kind that is so damaging for us. Keeping negative feelings inside and not expressing them can lead to short- and long-term physical illness; a fact now well-supported by medical research. Emotional pain can create a wide range of diseases and also lower your immune system.

The relationship counselor and author of ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’, John Fray, recommends the love letter technique to help you with your mental health and emotional wellness. By writing out all your worries and concerns you attain a whole new view of things and get to express your feelings. The technique is simple – just write an imaginary letter to someone, and feel secure in expressing your real thoughts in the knowledge that you don’t have to actually send the letter. It could be a letter to your lover explaining how you feel and what is upsetting you. Or you could address the letter to your father, best friend or even “God” – a higher power. You could also write a response letter from your partner of what you want to hear from them.

Essentially, the objective of the letter is to express your emotions, understand more about what you are feeling and communicate your emotions more effectively. Start the letter with “I am expressing the following feelings to you…” and include a paragraph of each of the following topics; “I am angry about….”, “I fear….”, “I am sad about…”, “I regret…”, “I appreciate and thank you for…”. The use of the first person will help you to formulate emotional truths that need to be said, and the act of naming your emotions and their causes will help to sharpen your mind to identify its own needs. Writing is an internal and reflective therapy that can be done anywhere and anytime. It’s your chance to be honest with yourself first, before spreading this honesty into your personal relationships. You might even want to write regular letters to yourself; the process of self-evaluation and self-love involved will do wonders for your emotional wellbeing.

For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellbeing

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet